
Grandma’s Fine China – Is there one missing from the family heirloom?

Grandma’s Fine China – Is there one missing from the family heirloom?

Grandma's China Heirloom
Grandma’s Fine China Heirloom

Have you ever thought of teeth as fine china?  I do.  What is a complete set?  Everybody’s set is unique and different.  In some situations, the perfect set could be 32, in other situations 24. How about a perfect 27?  Is it possible to have a  perfect set with an odd number?  I think it’s possible.
Unfortunately, time can go by so fast. As we all know, time can be hard on the fine porcelain.  Every once in a while, even though all precautions have been taken to maintain and protect,  something goes awry.
A few years back we had a patient in that very situation: The patient had a perfectly beautiful set of 28 teeth. Unfortunately, one had to be removed. There are so many great ways to replace missing teeth. After exploring all the options, the patient elected to go with an implant.

How to dental implants do with time?

The years have passed, and the patient came in recently for a cleaning.  When I looked in, I couldn’t help but think, “What a nice complete set!” We asked how the implant was doing. The patient mentioned that they had completely forgotten about it.  We love taking pictures on happy occasions!

Here is what we saw.

How has time treated your set?  Does your set need a little maintenance?  If you’re interested in finding out what it would take to get your set complete again, give us a call at (207) 236-4740.

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